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Naked Photo of clara adeline Supit or dewi sartika HOT on facebook

Posted by tipgratis pada April 14, 2010

Clara Adeline chopsticks naked photos circulating on facebook. Clara Adeline nude photos are hot on facebook. nude photos it makes nearly all facebook users in Indonesia in an uproar. Horrendous incidents happen again in Indonesia, this time back on facebook become a scene-makers that happens.

a teenage daughter "Clara Adelina chopsticks" is derived from bogor become victims of fraud by the theme itself and forced to bear the embarrassment caused widespread nude photos via the Internet (through facebook).

This incident began when a friend called misly Clara asks Clara to help her boyfriend misly cure the disease (according pengakuanya, misly boyfriend and disease in order to be cured if they see beautiful women naked pictures). Based on the request of Clara’s friends are eventually Clara Adeline chopsticks are willing to be photographed nude by misly.

after misly taking nude photographs Clara. Clara had given some money by misly. Clara also begged her picture is not distributed on the internet. But after some time, Clara was surprised by the spread of nude photos on facebook. with nude photos very quickly spread to almost all penngguna facebook particularly in Indonesia.

this makes Clara and her family shame and anger mixed with contempt. disappointment has been deceived by his own theme. Clara finally reported the incident to Police bogor.

based on these reports kapolresta bogor, Irwansyah father said that the victim (Clara Adeline chopsticks or dewi Sartika) feel have been cheated by misly, and misly has made herself and her family shame and humiliation. Clara oelh therefore propose to continue the process of media law.

based on the description of the father Irwansyah, apparently misly acknowledge that the photo did he give to his girlfriend that is joshua. joshua misly considered likely that spreading nude photos HOT Clara Adeline chopsticks on the internet (facebook).

Police suspect joshua indeed only lied about her that in order to order. this is just so Clara Adeline want to be photographed naked chopsticks naked HOT.

Police will process these issues based on IT law NO 11 of 2008 article 27 paragraph 1 and 3 which explains that anyone who intentionally spread just the sex act through the Internet will be subjected to punishment for 6 years in prison and a fine of 1 billion rupiah.

this as a lesson for us all to be more careful when photographed even with our own friends. try to take photos in normal circumstances. if you have to take photos of erotic, nude, naked or anything related to sex and sensuality. I recommend that you ensure your files are safe hands. it would be better never to do nude photos, nude photos, nude video, let alone to be a video nasty perpetrator sex video creation.

Oya if you want to view facebook profile "Clara Adeline Sartika chopsticks naked goddess or" please see clara.supit @ yahoo.com

let’s use the internet as a means of good.

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